Thursday 27 October 2011

My First Blog Award!

I got my first blog award the other day and I am very happy to receive it. Thanks again to Hot Coco from flab to fab for thinking of me!

There are 3 rules you have to follow and they are:

1. Thank the blogger that give you the award and link to their blog.
2. Tell 7 random things about yourself.
3. Pass on the award to 15 newly discoverd blogs.

Versatile: ver-sa-tile [vur-suh-tl] or, especially British, [vur-suh-tahyl]: capable of, or adapted for, turning easily from one to another various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: a versatile writer.
Word information source:

Now for the 7 facts:

1. My favorite band is U2
2. I do not like to go swimming or really like going to the beach.
3. I love autumn for its colours.
4. I just learnt to drive and I love it!
5. I started blogging after seeing my dad blog for about one year and thought I can do this too!
6. I love living in Switzerland, there is lots to do and see. Plus you can easily visit many other countries for the weekend!
7. My favorite tipple is Procecco.

Now to choose 15 blogs and I have mixed new blogs with ones I have been following for a while. That was seriously hard work!

Please check out the blogs above they are all very interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Congratulations on the award! :) I’m visiting from the Friday Follow 40 and Over Blog Hop. Your blog is awesome! I look forward to getting to know you and learning from each other! I think the idea of an over 40 blog hop is a great idea! I’m your newest follower and I’d love for you to return the favor! Thanks!!

    Life Full of Laughter
