Monday 7 December 2015

Bern Onion Market

On Monday 23rd November I went to Berne with my lovely friend Elisa Bieg, the reason for this was to visit the onion market, in Swiss German it is called Zibelemärit. Once a year on the 4th Monday in November this traditional folk market takes place, it starts at 5am.

Everything is made out of onion and garlic, they are woven into looking braids, wreaths and some are also made into strange onion people . The kids walk around throwing confetti and bashing people on the head with plastic hammers.

To eat there are savoury cheese and onion tarts which were very nice and onion soup too. Of course there is mulled wine along with other types of drinks too. There are also other stalls with non-onions things too, such as one with Turron. There were also lots of stalls selling colourful necklaces of sweets. Each colour was a different taste, I bought three different ones. Lots of people walked around wearing at least a few of these necklaces.

I have wanted to visit this market for ages and am glad to have seen it, but I would not go again, once is enough.

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