Sunday 14 October 2018

Wellington Botanical Gardens, New Zealand

For our summer holidays we spent three weeks in New Zealand, I divided up the weeks between the North and South Islands. Our last stop on the North Island was in the capital Wellington. As with much cities there is lots to do and see, one of which was taking the funicular up for a lovely view.

It leaves from downtown Lambton Quay and you arrive in the suburbs of Kelburn in only 5 mins. We took in the views of the city and surrounding area and went on to visit the Cable Car Museum. It is free entry and very small so worth a look since you are up there anyway.

Afterwards we walked back down through the botanical gardens, which was a very pleasant walk. Obviously it depends on what the season is and as it was winter when we were there, there was not so many flowers. There were ponds, a Treehouse information centre, playground and rose garden.

Once we left the gardens we made our way back in the city centre and got a bit lost too, but we arrived sound and safe.

Alessio has been away this week on a cruise, which he enjoyed but would not go on another one though. Next week we are going to Barcelona and we will go to see another match of FC Barcelona. This time they will play against Sevilla.

Hope you are all having a great weekend

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