Friday 16 December 2016

Weekend in Geneva

The weekend we had in Geneva was back in September and it was the ill fated trip where I tripped and torn my ligaments in my right foot. At least it happened right at the end of our weekend if it had to happen at all!

My parents and I took the train from Zurich and in around 3 hours were in Geneva, our hotel was not too far from the station. Once settled in we walked into the city centre and of course saw the famous water jet. I already did a post on this a few months back.

We visited and saw all the usual tourist sites and enjoyed a few glasses of wine in between too! Later in the afternoon we went to Carouge with the tram, which is a city just next to Geneva. It has lots of restaurants, cafes, bars and boutique shops. We could not find a restaurant open so we only stopped for some wine instead. Afterwards we headed back to into Geneva, had dinner and back to the hotel. My father and I had a wonder around the city centre later on in the evening and saw the jet d`eau, which in the evening is lighted up.

The next day we visited the small town of Hermonice, which I will do a short post on soon and had a glimpse of the Villa Diodacti which Lord Byron rented for a few months in the summer of 1816.

We were then going to see the United Nations buildings, but then I tripped walking down a ramp and the rest is history as they say!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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