Friday Alessio and I flew to Scotland, a small delay at Heathrow (what do you expect) but the main downer was that our luggage did not arrive the same time as us. Eventually the next in the evening the delivery man came, at least everything was still there!
Saturday we went on a steam train ride (more to come on that) with Alessio, his two cousin Liam and Jamie, me and my dad.
Sunday was at home with my parents and a lovely meal which my dad made, due to the very high winds we are having it did not look very enticing to leave the house. On Boxing Day my sister and family came for another lovely lunch. Alessio was glad to see his cousins again, although around 5 members of the family are sick at the moment, mum, dad, sister, son and nephew 1. Nephew 2 was ill before we arrived so it is just me and brother-in-law still standing!
Tuesday I went to Edinburgh for day (post will come) and today we saw aunt and uncle, Jo and Frank, my cousins Helen and Neil.
Well it has been lovely being back in Scotland, still lots planned and tomorrow is my birthday, we lunching in St.Andrews after a visit to the dentist (lucky me).
I hope everyone else had a fab Christmas time and I wish everyone a Happy New Year!