Monday 23th January 2012 - Day 339
In Zurich just off the Bahnhoffstrasse.

Tuesday 24th Jan - Day 340
Art work from the kids at work!

Wednesday 25th Jan - Day 341
Walking in the Au penisula with the kids from work.

Thursday 26th Jan - Day 342
My birthday present from 4 lovely people Hannah, Marcus, Riikka and Charlotte! I just love True Blood and Eric of course!

Friday 27th Jan - Day 343
At work!

Saturday 28th Jan - Day 344
Some yummy food at home!

Sunday 29th Jan - Day 345
On the way to Basel to see some friends.

Monday 30th Jan - Day 346
The view standing at my car.

Tuesday 31st Jan - Day 347
The starting of the cold spell my poor car!

I have actually finished this 365 Photo Challenge and I am quite glad in a way, but it feels quite strange to not have to take a photo everyday.
Great blog. Zurich is one of my favorite cities.